A Candlestick Strategy With Soldiers And Crows

ndle reversal patterns—a bullish one white soldier and a bearish one black crow—that requ

The Expert Design Studio code for Jerry D’Ambrosio and Barbara Star’s article, “A Candlestick Strategy With Soldiers And Crows,” in Stocks & Commodities October 2018 issue is shown below.”Among the more well-known candlestick reversal patterns are soldiers and crows. These occur in a three-candle pattern such as three white soldiers or three black crows. Recently, on the website Candlesticker.com, we learned of two other candle reversal patterns—a bullish one white soldier and a bearish one black crow—that require fewer candles. ”

!Author: Jerry D'Ambrosio & Barbara Star, TASC Oct 2017
!Coded by: Richard Denning 8/05/2017

O is [open].
O1 is valresult(O,1).
C is [close].
C1 is valresult(C,1).
C2 is valresult(C,2).
H is [high].
L is [low].
V is [volume].

minPriceBull is 1.
minPriceBear is 10.
minVolume is 1000. !in hundreds
volAvgLen is 50.
dayCount is 5.
longExitBars is 7.
shortExitBars is 1.

okToBuy if simpleavg(C,50) > simpleavg(C,200) or CminPriceBull and simpleavg(V,volAvgLen)>minVolume.
BullWS if C1C1 and C>O1 and O= longExitBars.

okToSell if simpleavg(C,50) < simpleavg(C,200) or C>simpleavg(C,200)*1.1.
okToSellMkt if TickerRule("SPX",okToSell).
PVfilterBear if C>minPriceBear and simpleavg(V,volAvgLen).
BearBC if C1>C2 and C1>O1 
     and OO1 
     and countof(C1>C2,dayCount)=dayCount
     and PVfilterBear and okToSellMkt.
ExitShort if {position days} >= shortExitBars.
I ran several backtests using the NASDAQ 100 list of stocks over the period from 8/04/2000 to 8/04/2017. I varied the following inputs to find the optimum set of parameters for the candlestick patterns. For longs, the “dayCount” = 5 with an “longExitBars” = 7 produced the best results, which is shown in Figure 5. For shorts, the “dayCount” = 5 with a “shortExitBars” = 1 produced the best results, which is shown in Figure 6. Neither commission nor slippage were subtracted from the results.

Sample Chart

FIGURE 5: WINWAY. EDS summary report for longs only.

Sample Chart

FIGURE 6: WINWAY. EDS summary report for shorts only.
—Richard Denning
for TradingExpert Pro

ire fewer candles. “

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